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Zakk Hoyt

The Polished Rake

Interior Design :: Styling :: Events :: Floral

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Interior Design

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Seasonal / Events / Floral

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What I Offer

Art shouldn't match your couch

Crail Bath_edited.jpg
Table Detail_edited.jpg

Design and Curation

Your home should reflect you... What makes you happy? We can collaborate to create a space that will help you thrive.

Events and Floral

There is nothing better than a party, let's push the envelope and give your guests an experience that they will never forget.

Product Styling and Coorporate Spaces

Business doesn't need to be beige. What distinguishes you from your competition? Let's discover together and craft an environment and customer experience that reflects more than expected.

Home: Services

Concord, Concord is here, Concord is here
Our days to bless
And this our land, our land to endue
With plenty, peace and happiness.
Concord, Concord and Time, Concord and Time
Each needeth each:
The ripest fruit hangs where
Not one, not one, but only two, only two can reach.

William Plowmer from Britten's Gloriana

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Get in Touch


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